We are very proud and excited to be owners of this brokerage in Aurora & to be part of this great YHSGR Family!
TEAM MEandANG Let’s Go Serve Big!
A special shout-out to all our clients! This would not be possible without you!!!
ANOTHER Your Home Sold Guaranteed Realty BROKERAGE OPENING!!!! A HUGE SHOUT OUT to Mauro Bucci & Angie Vallelunga as another Your Home Sold Guaranteed Realty Brokerage opens nationwide and now in AURORA ON, CANADA. Mauro & Angie are continuing the Your Home Sold Guaranteed Realty Mission to Positively Impact The Lives of People, Through Second-Mile Service, Innovative Systems, and Charitable Giving!
Thank you, Mauro Bucci & Angie Vallelunga for consistently demonstrating and putting into ACTION our Go Serve Big Motto; When you put others first, you will never be second!
Go Serve Big, Mauro & Angie! We APPRECIATE YOU!
#townofaurora #auroraontario #newbrokerage #28wellingtonstwestaurora #yorkregionrealestate #realestateagent #realestateexpert #GoServeBig #SecondMileService #ElevatingtheLivesofRealEstateProfessionals #TopAgent #EliteAgent #MillionDollarAgent #ToddWalters #CraigProctor #Sales #Marketing #YHSGR #YourHomeSoldGuaranteedRealty #RealEstateAgent #RealEstateBusiness #Realtor